Academic Excellence

The Newton Sixth Form offers Pearson Edexcel’s IGCSE and A-Level Curriculum, which are UK qualification. It is the curriculum widely used by international schools and is an essential for higher education.
The Newton Sixth Form is a certified Pearson Edexcel Official Centre. Selection of subjects is aimed to build strong academic foundation, taught by qualified and quality teachers (Qualification & Quality) with expertise in the selected subjects. Supervision of students is based on true understanding of individual student’s basic needs and focusing to widen students' perspectives and aspiration for highest academic and career purpose.
3 Processes
to Build
Building students with Good Character starts with the cultivation of planning for the future. We start with encouraging pupils to set the goal, to create plans, and to follow their plans—a part of developing executive function skills.
Max Planner
The Max Planner is a valuable tool for building student’s habits in planning. The The Newton Sixth Form has conceived from a Japanese practice that allows students to plan and implement plans by doing PDCA (Plan – Do – Check/Achieve). Junior students plan and follow up with their supervisor daily. IGCSE and A-Level students make a weekly plan. Dr.Teerakiat Jareonsettasin, our School Headmaster, has provided perspectives and facts regarding young adolescent’s time horizons. High school students normally have a time horizon of about one week. In order to follow through with their dreams, they must do a weekly plan and follow up on a weekly basis. This short-term plan allows them to start following, doing, reviewing and building new action plans on top of their existing actions.
One of the most important habits in The The Newton Sixth Form is Reading. We cultivate student’s reading habit through a systematic programme of graded reading of great literature and regular feedbacks. It allows students to choose their own books to read. There are hundreds of books from University of Oxford’s series for students to choose from, all based on their level of English and students' interest.
The Newton Sixth Form Culture is built on good relationship between teachers and students, and in Newton it happens through the process called Supervision, similar to that of Oxford University and Cambridge University, using UK’s Pearson Edexcel Curriculum. When students have any question or concern, they will be able to share with the supervisors, who support and care for them closely.
Good Learning
Right Input
Input-based Learning is learning from lectures, reading books, and watching recorded lessons. Input-based Learning allows students to understand the content. To absorb and reach the core of the subject, The Newton Sixth Form emphasises right-Input Learning that provides the deepening of knowledge and first- princple teaching into the essence of the subject.
Right Output
At the Newton Sixth Form, the focus is on output-based Learning, which pupils will achieve better outcomes and effectiveness by being hands- on. Learning from ones’ own results will allow pupils to understand and know where to improve quickly and accurately. Eventually, students will have the ability to take responsibility for their own duties.
Right Feedback
นิวตันตระหนักว่าบทบาทหน้าที่ของครูนั้น ไม่เพียงแต่มีความสามารถในการสอน และการประเมินการเรียนรู้ของผู้เรียนเท่านั้น แต่หน้าที่สำคัญคือ การขัดเกลา การให้ Feedback แก่ลูกศิษย์ ทั้งในด้านวิชาการและอุปนิสัย เพื่อให้ลูกศิษย์นำไปปรับปรุงให้ดียิ่งขึ้น ครูที่เก่ง ๆ คือผู้ประสบการณ์สูงและสามารถให้คำชี้แนะแก่ศิษย์ได้อย่างมีศิลปะ ช่วยให้ลูกศิษย์ฝึกฝนพัฒนาไปในแนวทางที่ถูกต้องจะทำให้เกิด Perfect Input, Perfect Practice และทำให้เกิด Perfect Permanent ได้